Read all the way to the bottom for a cute little story.
When I was in high school I learned that I didn't want to be a doctor and I, most definitely, did not want to work with kids in a hospital. Why? Because of the torture they put children through to "test" them. I stand by that decision.
My son just needed and IV because he became severely dehydrated over a bout of Rotavirus. Yes...I know, fluids, BRAT diet (this only works when a kid can keep it down-BTW), and the whole spiel...blah. blah. blah. I have done this before. Regardless, he lost a LOT of fluids and couldn't keep things down. To the doc I go for some meds for nausea and off to the hospital shortly after.
I do not like subjecting kids to needles or nurses. I have always hated this and I stand by that today. I don't care how nice you are to my kid. If you hurt my kid--I DON'T LIKE YOU! That being said, without the IV my baby could be worse off. He is better now, deathly afraid of nurses and needles alike.
Here he is being a kid and hiking the bed up as high as it would go! I let him because they put him through hell and they are billing me for the use anyway. I figure I will let him have something fun to remember.
Here is the cute story I promised:
When the nurse asked Beef Jerky which hand he ate with he said, "Um..It's just that..when I eat regular food with a fork I eat with this hand (raised right hand)...but, when I eat ribs, I eat with both like this (simulate rib eating)." Anyone who knows my little Beef Jerky knows he is the ULTIMATE meat eater. Told you it was cute.