Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stomach Fix Drink

We have had a couple of bouts of stomach viruses in the house this past week.  Here is the stomach fix drink I make for my kids. The presentation really perks them up.
Stomach Fix Drink
crushed ice
slice of lime
In a clear glass, fill with crushed ice. pour in clear soda of choice (I used 7Up because it was in the pantry). Garnish it with a slice of lime or any other desirable fruit. Just throw in an obligatory straw and they will try to sip it.
Remember not to let them guzzle it down--small sips. :o)

Perk: There is usually enough left over to make a little refresher for mom or dad too.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Quote(s) (because I liked both today)

"Women are like teabags; you never know how strong they are until they're put in hot water."
— Eleanor Roosevelt
"Patience is the companion of Wisdom"
--St. Augustine

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Empty Promises

The weather people promised SNOW:


Actually, it was horrible terrible ICE. :o(
Now I will just be grateful that we got the day off to hang out with each other. 

Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy St. Valentine's Day! I just love this holiday. Secular or religious, I love the idea of a holiday reminding us to appreciate our loved ones.  I absolutely adore my husband and my kids.  I love all my friends and my family.
So, I don't really care if people call this a hallmark holiday, I think it is what our world needs more of. More kissing, hugging, smiling, laughing, and togetherness. A show of loving appreciation is always welcomed here.
Can we talk about this ancient valentine card?  Victorian artwork is so confusing. Are they drowning the hearts or are they rescuing them? How in the world are these husky little cherubs supposed to fly with those tiny wings? And what about that basket backpack?--I guess that one will just walk. Why are there trees blooming and bright green grass blowing when Valentine's day is still in winter? Why are those rocks (next to the blue-diped cupie) floating like that? And why do I think this is such a cute little valentine card?
Hope you all have a loving day!♥