Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ordinary Times with Us

Today is the Feast of the Archangels-Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.  I wanted to make dragon bread and make special prayer cards with my kids but, I think spending time outside and being brave enough to do it in my work out clothes did it enough homage.  Not really, I am gonna make a prayer post here soon too.

Here are a few shots from the day with my three angels. (I wonder if you can tell which of mine is the wise, the brave, or the healer.)We had such a good time today.
(The Healer)
Playing with fire trucks,
 Playing with bubbles,
 Playing with bubbles,

Mesmerized by a bubble,

And concentrating on making bubbles.
(The Wise)
is too big for her bike. :o(
 But Pink will ride it anyway. :oD
 Beef Jerky
(The Brave)
scooting to get going.
 Guess who learned to ride his bike today!
♥Big Daddy celebrating with Beef Jerky♥

By the way, I love when September turns into October!  It is such a rich seasonal change, the cool air, the nice hair days, no sweating, fewer skeeters, garage sales galore, and grass grows more slowly (not weeds though...grrr). I love season changes.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Went out in the Houston heat!  And the kids did great (granted we left at half time and are still recovering from the outing).  Here we are the Scarborough Coogs.  The kidlets had fun and told us several times how they enjoyed themselves, so I guess we timed everything just right.  Good Job Big Daddy O!  Oh and we won too with our "NEW" Freshman quarter back.  Eat 'Em UP!

Join us at the next game!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Insomnia you devil!

I woke up this morning at the lonely hour of 4:30a.m.  Laid in be for about thirty minutes hoping I would crash but, nope.  I just started thinking about all kinds of stuff.  So, I got up and brushed my teeth and decided to actually go to the gym and exercise for a while.

On my way out I saw the most spectacular moon shot, but driving and shooting (my camera) are not a good thing when combined.  So, I actually stopped and took this shot of the early morning moon.  Wish I had my tripod with me so that it would be more clear but, it works for me.

I love how beautiful some things look through my lens.  Enjoy!

Monday, September 20, 2010

100th Post!

It is a tradition to do something awesome for your 100th post on your blog but, I couldn't bring myself to do another personal inventory.  I can't even think of what to write about.  I have thought about writing about what my life is like 100 post later though.

100 posts later I am not the same person I was in the beginning.  My hair is shorter, my temper too.  My pants fit loosely, I know more than I want to know about some things, I don't care if my kids answer Yes Ma'm and No Ma'm (I am okay with yes no and okay).  100 posts later, my eyes are weaker, but, my bank account is slightly stronger.  100 posts later, I am willing to go somewhere alone and by myself.  100 posts later, I have a profound respect for life long dreams and realizing them. I also know where to find free printables and cutesie crafts for my kids. I know why people spend way too much time online.  I think I am starting to understand why they believe everything they read on the web too. I learned places to go for nice photos for my family.  I learned that what you have done, written, or said can not be undone :o( I met people sort of, okay NOT, but I feel as though I have because they tell their life stories on their blogs.  I have laughed at some of these people because they have the right attitude.  I have seen beautiful things online and hideous things too. I have snagged some awesome images and recipes from other's on line and tried them out too.  I revisited some of my old web skills.  I even think I may one day write a book--not really (not a dream of mine).  I also learned that there is a fine line between comfort and discomfort on line. 

So after one hundred posts what is the coolest and most interesting thing that I notice or accept?  Myself.  I am perfectly imperfect.  I like that about myself it is the only thing that stays true.  :oD

Friday, September 17, 2010


This is one of the cutest and most familiar scenes of my house these days.  At home each of my kids hums the Star Wars theme song all day..every day.

Thank you Big Daddy for sharing your legacy with your kids.
It will last a lifetime.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Humble Rain

Rain does so inspire me

Some days it seems that everything weeps.
Some days even the trees carry a heavy burden.
Some days should be silent...
Prayer for Inner Peace
Slow me down God.  
Ease the pounding of my heart by the quieting of my mind.
Steady my hurried pace with a vision of the eternal reach of time.
Give me, amid the confusion of the day, the calmness of everlasting hills.
Break the tensions of my nerves and muscles with the soothing music
of the singing streams that live in my memories.
Help me to know the magical restoring power of sleep. 
Teach me the art of taking minute vacations-- of slowing down
to look at a flower;
to chat with a child;
to pat a dog;
to take a deep breath;
to read a few lines of a good book;
or to offer you a word of thanks.
Please God, slow me down.