The happenings and goings on in our humble home. The thoughts of a Stay At Home Mom. The hopes for her family. And also lots of my favorite pictures.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Oh Mickey You're So Fine- You're So Fine You Blow My Mind
Have you ever seen such a cute cupcake? I can answer that for you. No. You haven't before this very moment. Can I tell you how much I want to eat this Mickey cake? I totally want to eat it!
It is gonna be my new profile picture. I love love love this.
Monday, December 27, 2010
If you give a girl a camera....
She might just take some crappy shots! LOL! Just awful. I so need to learn this new puppy. But I plan to do that very soon. Here are some of my practice shots! Don't laugh. Just recognize that even people with a small bit of skill have to learn how to use new tools. So for all of you amateurs out there. Don't feel bad, this amateur has to learn how to use her new baby too. I am really thinking about sticking to my little baby dslr right now though (I know it so well).
A meltdown because he thought the baby was gonna eat his toy train! So funny.
How are those for now? I took a couple more today but, haven't had a chance to take a good look at what I have done. It is gonna take some work. :o/ Hey, isn't my puppy sweet? I just love my friend Biscuit.
Christmas Crazy
So the week before Christmas flew by and I had visitors and parties and lots of hugs and kisses. I loved my time with everyone. I thought I would take more photos but, I got so busy talking and experiencing the season that I let that get away from me. I have a few shots to share with my internets. I hope you have fun looking at them.
Can I tell you how hard it was for me to switch to flash auto point n shoot for these pictures? Really really hard. But, it was still so dim outside and the lighting is TERRIBLE in my house. Notice the clock on the wall? It is still an hour ahead of time (pathetic- I still haven't fixed it).
Guess what I got for CHRISTMAS? I got a BRAND NEW NIKON D90!!!! wHOOP whoop! Yes sir!
One of my BFFs layin' down the law:D
My husbear bein' cute.
Some shots of the kidlets at the park on Christmas week.
BJ having a grand time on my livin' room floor. Cutie isn't he?
Christmas Eve at My Mother's House (HOME)
The "Santa" Piece
Some of the Spread
mmmm...gourmet cupcakes
Stuffed Turkey Breast (for those of us who don't dine on swine).
ehem...mmmm...gourmet tamales :D
Tweener Nephew
Tuckered out.
Look at my tongue.
mmm....gourmet cookies-it is NOT out of focus the black and red dye bled.
Sorry, resorted to flash pns for these.
Christmas Morning
I didn't get really any photos this morning. The kids got up at 6 am to see if Santa came by. I was dead tired hearing them squeal downstairs. The two elder kids were down there for the longest time and they waited so patiently. We came down at 7 and woke up the third born for it all. There was so much excitement and commotion. That I didn't even take photos. Not really a bad thing. I enjoy being in the moment.
Can I tell you how hard it was for me to switch to flash auto point n shoot for these pictures? Really really hard. But, it was still so dim outside and the lighting is TERRIBLE in my house. Notice the clock on the wall? It is still an hour ahead of time (pathetic- I still haven't fixed it).
Guess what I got for CHRISTMAS? I got a BRAND NEW NIKON D90!!!! wHOOP whoop! Yes sir!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It's Christmas Time
Beef Jerky wanted to sleep downstairs under the Christmas tree. So, after he finally fell asleep I snapped this photo of him. Notice his feet are still "up". Love this picture. At least he is stress free and is thinking only of the joy that comes with the Christmas Season.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Stick It
Here is my Pink after earning her latest medal for gymnastics. Isn't she the sweetest thing? Pink--Mommy is so proud of you. Great job this fall session!! Keep up the good work!

Here she is just being herself, waiting patiently for the awards ceremony to begin. Notice all the motion around her? It doesn't often happen this way. She is usually the hummingbird in photos.
I really wish I had gotten better shots of her. But, these two were the best I could do given the circumstances. I hope we will get better ones to share with you all later.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Colts Win AGAIN!
We spent this morning watching the Colts blow out the Jaguars. Today Beef Jerky the starter QB. Lots of hand off plays but, no dead ball calls which is great. Here is my baby playing like a big boy. He had a great time and played very well. Colts are 2-0 come out to see them next weekend when they take on the Saints.
Next week if coach runs pass plays I will catch some of Beef Jerky's rockets. I am so impressed by this child. Beef Jerky said he would like his whole family to come see him play. I realize this is flag football but, it is still stimulating and athletic in nature. I am so thankful they don't smack into each other just yet. It makes me nervous to see grown men do it; I don't think I could handle it very quietly if someone sacked my son. :OD No--I am not kidding. I am LOUD at football games.
At the coin toss (I think; I can't really remember).
The consult
The Snap
The hand off.
Another hand off. And check out the kid after Beef Jerky.
Hand off.
The run and guard.
Saved Snap.
Mommy's Boy
Beef Jerky Super Star
Next week if coach runs pass plays I will catch some of Beef Jerky's rockets. I am so impressed by this child. Beef Jerky said he would like his whole family to come see him play. I realize this is flag football but, it is still stimulating and athletic in nature. I am so thankful they don't smack into each other just yet. It makes me nervous to see grown men do it; I don't think I could handle it very quietly if someone sacked my son. :OD No--I am not kidding. I am LOUD at football games.
Colts Win
Come out and see my Beef Jerky play ball. I had no idea that he had such a good arm. He completely Wow-ed me. He is so fun too! Game time is 11 am at LH-YMCA. Don't you love his game face?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Here is a yummy meatless lunch for Friday! It puts that 80's carrot raisin salad to shame. You know you want to try it. It is crunchy, chewy, savory and sweet. Plus there is only healthy fat from the nuts that I add.
The "Recipe"
shredded carrots
shredded purple cabbage
pecans or walnuts
raspberry vinaigrette
There is no science to this. Dump all the dry ingredients in. Then equal squirts of dressing and honey (or to taste).
Tastes good, looks good, and VERY light.
Variation: If you are a carnivore/omnivore try adding some cooked chicken breast.
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