Monday, September 5, 2011

Natural Posers ;)

Have you ever had a day that is so beautiful you just had to capture some of it on film or memory card for us digital geeks?  Well I do from time to time and there is always so much nature in my yard.  I try and try to catch those pesky butterflies but, they are still a challenge for me. 

However, I can always get a very willing dragonfly to hang out on a limb and just let me shoot away.  These guys literally let me get six inches or closer to them and never fly away.  So what is it?  Why are they so willing to smile for the camera?

Here is the one I liked from today.  I actually had a couple but, this lil guy made me smile (mostly because he is smiling in the photo--you have to look really closely).

So let's talk the techie stuff about this one.  I love the Bokeh in the background.  I think the composition is pretty good and the color scheme is right on. I did saturate it a little by 5 points but, that was to add some depth to the blue sky.  The colors are good (the green azaleas look yellow because they are suffering from the drought).  I didn't lighten the shadow on the face because I feel it draws the viewers interest.  And besides, his face was shaded. When this shot is at full size the details are sharp and good--you can even see the veins in each wing and the hairs on his thorax.  Not sure if you can blow it up or not but, try.  So overall, I like this shot, it is not unique but, it is well done.

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